Carbon Carney’s Real Plan
Source: The Iron Wire
(0:00 - 0:41) Good evening, I'm Will Dove and these are the top stories for Tuesday, March 25th. A Conference Board of Canada study projects that the federal government's emissions reduction targets would result in a 2.6% decline in Canada's employment, a 3.8% drop in real GDP, and a 2.5% increase in consumer prices by 2050. Concurrently, a new report commissioned by the Alberta government warns that Ottawa's emissions reduction plan could push the province into a deep recession by 2030, while raising consumer prices nationwide and lowering Canadians incomes by 2050. (0:43 - 1:43) Alberta would be disproportionately impacted, with the report forecasting a 4.1% decline in employment, an 11% drop in the province's GDP, and a 9.3% decrease in government revenues by 2050. Which means that the province with the greatest exports to the U.S. will be the hardest hit. And this makes sense if we look at Carney's real plan. In his first act as Prime Minister, Mark Carney scrapped the federal consumer carbon tax, effective April 1st, ending a policy that charged Canadians for fossil fuel use since 2019. While hailed by some as a populist win, critics warned it's a Trojan horse for a globalist agenda aimed at dismantling Canada's economy and handing control to international elites. Carney, who assumed office on March 14th after Justin Trudeau's exit, framed the move as a rejection of a divisive tax that hit households and small businesses hardest. (1:44 - 2:00) In short, he told voters what they wanted to hear. Lower pump and home heating costs. So he gives with the left hand, but what is the right hand doing? The fuel charge, which reached $80 per ton in 2024, is out. (2:00 - 2:30) But the output-based pricing system, or OBPS, for large industrial emitters like oil, gas, and steel firms, will not only stay, but increase. Big polluters must pay their fair share, Carney declared in his cabinet speech, promising stricter emissions benchmarks and a carbon border adjustment mechanism to slap tariffs on carbon-heavy imports. So the Liberals lose income from the consumer carbon tax, but make it up on increased corporate carbon taxes and tariffs. (2:31 - 2:59) By shifting the carbon burden entirely to corporations, Carney, former Bank of Canada governor and former UN climate envoy, is sabotaging Canada's industrial backbone. Higher costs will drive energy and manufacturing jobs offshore, aligning with the globalist plan to weaken our national sovereignty. The carbon border adjustment mechanism, tying Canada to EU-style rules, risks escalating trade wars, further weakening the economy. (3:00 - 3:23) Carney's unwavering net zero by 2050 pledge is also a major part of the plan. His push to decarbonize, paired with plans for rapid clean energy approvals and consumer green subsidies, would choke resource sectors like Alberta's oil patch, while ballooning public debt for projects that won't work. This isn't about climate, it's about control, said one anonymous analyst. (3:24 - 3:42) He's binding us to global frameworks, draining our wealth to elite coppers. European NATO countries are taking several actions that suggest they are potentially preparing for World War III. These preparations come amid rising tensions in the Middle East and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. (3:43 - 4:01) Analysts suggest that Europe must go to war to save their failing economy. Here are seven key actions being taken by European NATO members. France is preparing to distribute a 20-page survival manual instructing citizens on how to defend the Republic in case of an invasion. (4:02 - 4:21) The French government has urged its citizens to leave Iran immediately. Military planners in the UK have reportedly ordered special forces units to prepare for potential deployment to Ukraine. Turkey has announced its willingness to deploy troops to Ukraine as part of a broader peacekeeping mission if needed. (4:22 - 4:51) Poland is conscripting every adult male for military training and has expressed interest in hosting US nuclear weapons. The Baltic states are jointly constructing a massive defense line that includes 600 bunkers, tank ditches, and rocket systems along their borders with Russia. And US President Donald Trump has given Iran a two-month deadline to reach a new nuclear agreement, warning of consequences if Tehran continues its nuclear program. (4:52 - 5:16) In addition, many European countries have recently dramatically increased defense spending. These actions indicate a significant shift in NATO's defensive posture and suggest that member countries are taking the possibility of a large-scale conflict seriously. The preparations span various aspects of national defense, from civilian readiness to military mobilization and strategic deterrence. (5:19 - 5:47) Our liberal government under Trudeau has been quietly working toward a digital ID, but in the US it's already in place, and the powers behind it are getting ready to activate their surveillance and control system in May of this year. As always, the official reasons for such a system include national security, streamlining travel, and possibly access to medical care. Of course, the real reason is to create a monitoring and control system that can be linked to a social credit score. (5:48 - 6:12) This is a canary in the coal mine for us here in Canada, and something we especially need to be watching for if Mark Carney is elected next month. I'm joined today by Valerie Borek of Stand for Health Freedom and Twila Brase of the Citizens' Council for Health Freedom to explain just how close the US is to a digital ID system. Valerie, Twila, welcome to the show. (6:12 - 6:25) Thank you, glad to be here. I was very grateful when Valerie contacted me and sent me the information on this because I've done an interview with her and James Roguski on Exit the WHO, which have now happened in the US. Miraculously, Donald Trump has exited the WHO. (6:25 - 6:34) Done with it. We'd love to see that happen here in Canada. But now you guys have another problem, the REAL ID, and it's a canary in the coal mine, and the viewers need to know about this. (6:34 - 6:48) So please tell us what is the REAL ID and what are they trying to do with it? Well, the REAL ID is a national identification system. So it is not just an ID in your pocket. It's not just a driver's license. (6:48 - 7:17) It is under control of the federal government here in the United States and states are issuing these cards but they are issuing them according to the federal rules, according to the federal law. So they have given up their state sovereignty and individuals who get the REAL ID are giving up their individual sovereignty. And the way that an American knows whether or not they have got a REAL ID in their pocket is it most likely has a star on it. (7:17 - 7:27) I think only Washington state has a flag. It doesn't have a star. But the National ID, the whole problem with it is that this is a system. (7:28 - 7:43) It's an identification system that can eventually be used for tracking individuals and for control. And it will be digitized. The plan is to digitize it and make it government accessible. (7:44 - 7:55) REAL ID will be accessible by the government remotely and in real time. So this is a you know, it's a bad idea. It's unconstitutional here in the United States. (7:56 - 10:07) And people should be very concerned that we are moving in that direction where the federal government will control perhaps transactions, identification, certainly identification, but transactions, movement, and all sorts of other things that you can't even imagine like opening a bank account, you know, getting married, getting access to medical care, whatever it is that they would choose to decide. Now, what form would that digitization take? Right now, of course, it's just a plastic driver's license, but I'm sure that there's probably a chip in it or something like that. But when they digitize the system, what happens at that point? Well, I think that the ultimate goal, I don't think I know, the ultimate goal is to have this be a digital identity that's available on the internet and one other way is through your cell phone. So the the aim for this is to be completely digitized and have real-time information about any citizen that can be accessed remotely. So that is when you look at, you know, different congressional testimony from places like the American Association of Motor Vehicle Departments and when you look at, you know, other cyber security testimony that we've had in Congress, there are references to the REAL ID that are made. I have a 2024 House Financial Services Committee looking at verifying identity online and one of the people testimony is saying that in the United States, we'll build off of TSA's REAL ID system and based on the technical standards that are already built into modern cell phones so we can verify identity remotely. And the laws that were written, the regulations, this is something that came out of after, you know, 9-11 and we had this whole suite of homeland security laws that passed here. In 2005, one of those things was this REAL ID Act. And for years and years and years, the states pushed back against this, but eventually over time starting kind of around the Obama administration, the, you know, Department of Homeland Security started working with DMVs in the state to kind of roll this out even though this there was a lot of pushback from governors, from citizens. (10:08 - 10:42) And so one of the problems with this is that in the regulations themselves, it talks about basically unlimited expansion. The ways these the law and the regulations were written allows for, it's quote, any other purposes for this identification to be used. Right now, what we're being told is that you need this if you want to get on a plane, you need this if you want to get into a federal building, which is absolutely not true because there are other forms of identification like your passport that you could use and other ways that we could go about this, but they're writing this like a blank check for a surveillance state, basically. (10:42 - 11:22) So it's very obvious what this is, is the foundation of a full-fledged digital ID that could be a link eventually to a social credit system to control everything that people are doing. But I do understand from what I've read that there are some states that have said no to this. Is that correct? Yes, that is correct. There are five states listed by the Department of Homeland Security and they are Georgia, Florida, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi. However, some people who have tried to switch back to a standard driver's license, like in Maryland, have found it more difficult. Like Maryland would be saying, well, we don't do that. (11:22 - 11:36) We only issue REAL IDs. But according to their own rules, you have the choice of having a standard driver's license or a REAL ID. So we have started this campaign where we basically say, make the switch. (11:37 - 11:55) And we now have a document on our website telling people how to make the switch, how to go back. Because eventually what the government wants to do is simply tip the scales. They want to just suddenly turn on the switch and make all of us have to use the REAL ID. (11:55 - 12:09) But they can't do that unless they have enough people. And right now 44% of Americans do not have a REAL ID. But I think it's going to be less than that because right now they're saying the same, you can't fly live. (12:09 - 13:35) That we heard in 2016 from the Obama administration. And so everybody who hears this and has a REAL ID needs to switch back. Switch back to a standard driver's license so you prohibit them from ever just, you know, flipping the switch and forcing us all into REAL ID. And I think that one of the ways that they could do that is through health care. So we're a health care freedom organization, right? But we really believe that they would, if they really wanted to make everybody submit, they would add health care to the list and then it would be very difficult for anybody to say no. But our intention is to get people to switch back and to go from 44% to 48% and then 50% and then 52% and drive it in the opposite direction. People taking back their own sovereignty and states taking back their own sovereignty. And there are a bunch of state legislators here in the United States that are introducing bills to extract themselves from the federal REAL ID law and we encourage them to keep going and we encourage their citizens to put pressure on their own state legislators to do exactly the same. We had a very important date coming up in May. Please explain what's going to happen at that point. So May 7th, 2025 is the new compliance deadline for REAL ID. Meaning that this is when, in theory, you will be told you can't board a plane unless you have this REAL ID. (13:35 - 13:47) You can't get into a federal building. But we actually have a rolling compliance period, so to speak. Last year, the Department of Homeland Security put out a rule making in the states. (13:47 - 14:06) That's how we go about the agencies making their new laws. So they were open for comments on, you know, we've kicked the can down the line for almost 20 years now and actually trying to get compliance on a national scale for this. So we have this new compliance deadline and we know that, like Twila is saying, that most states aren't ready for this. (14:06 - 14:38) So should we stick fast to our May 7th deadline or should we have a two-year period where we allow states to kind of come into compliance and, you know, we're not going to police the enforcement of this in, you know, full-fledged kind of way yet. And so that comment period went and they decided in January that they were going to stick with the May 7th deadline and keep it as a rolling deadline. But interestingly, another part of the law is that whenever we have this agency rule making and citizens make comments, the agency is required to respond to them. (14:38 - 15:24) They got thousands, tens of thousands of comments from concerned citizens and many of them were about the constitutional violations, rights to privacy being violated, you know, the unfunded mandates, you know, it's almost a half a page in the Federal Register where they summarize these comments and then they just summarily dismiss them saying that we were just asking about the deadline, the constitutional aspects of this underpinning what we're doing aren't actually in the scope of this rulemaking, so we don't have to address it. It was shocking. So, I mean, I guess it shouldn't be shocking, but it's important for Americans to know that we have real concerns that are just being swept under the rug unless we continue to educate ourselves and each other and our governors and, you know, all of the voters here about what's going on. (15:25 - 15:52) If I could add something to that, I would just say that on May 7th, everybody will be able to fly even if you have a regular ID, but what I would do to help people to feel calm about this entire thing is get yourself a passport and a passport card at the same time. Then you are not worried about flying, but do not get a REAL ID. Make sure you go back and get a standard driver's license. (15:52 - 16:29) None of us knows what this two years of progressive enforcement is going to look like, but it's very clear from the final rule that they are concerned about violence against the TSA at the airport, and that's one of the reasons they're doing a two-year rolling deadline. So, you know, we don't know what it's going to look like, but I think it might be just pieces of paper, warnings that say, by the way, May 7th, I'm sorry, May 5th, 2027, is when we're going to finally enforce this, and you've got two years, but it could be something different. We don't actually know yet. (16:30 - 16:55) Ask your listeners to go and your viewers to go to,, and that's where they can take action, contact their members of Congress. They can find our one pager about making the switch out of REAL ID and back to a standard driver's license, as well as more information. All right, folks, and you will find those links beneath this news report. (16:56 - 17:04) Ladies, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Thank you. You will find links to more information on the U.S. REAL ID below this report. (17:06 - 17:27) And finally, I'm pleased to announce the first of our new shows at the Iron Wire. I'll be bringing on board other content creators in the coming months in order to provide you with more sources of truth. Starting tomorrow, two young conservative Canadian sisters who are well aware of the issues facing our country will be providing weekly commentary every Wednesday evening. (17:28 - 17:50) Madison and Macy Holmes' new show, Holmes Squared, exclusive to the Iron Wire, will provide you with the youth perspective and restore your faith that there are young people in our country who not only value our rights and freedoms, but are fighting for them. Members will get Holmes Squared a week before episodes are published to social media.