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Pro-abortion, female Anglican ‘priest’ to speak at Catholic faith formation event  – LifeSite

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Originally posted by: Lifesite News

Source: Lifesite News

(LifeSiteNews) — A female Anglican vicar who is a strong supporter of abortion is scheduled to speak at a Catholic faith formation event next week. 

Anglican priest Lizzi Green was invited by Father Mark Skelton, the head of ongoing formation of clergy in the Catholic Diocese of Plymouth in the UK, to speak at a virtual Lenten faith formation event for laity on March 27. Aside from being an Anglican cleric, Green also holds a pro-abortion stance that is at odds with Catholic teaching.

Fr. Skelton announced that Green would be speaking on “recognizing hope” over Zoom as part of a series of faith formation talks “reflecting on some of the Holy Father’s signs of hope in this time of jubilee,” according to Voice of the Family.

The Catholic Church teaches that it is impossible for women to validly receive the sacrament of holy orders. The Church also teaches that Anglicans and other “ecclesial communities derived from the Reformation” do not have valid holy orders because of broken apostolic succession and therefore they do not confect a valid Eucharist.

Green, having had two abortions herself, is a staunch supporter of abortion “rights.” She became militant in her support for abortion in 2022 in the wake of the overturning of Roe V. Wade being leaked to the media.

In a since-deleted tweet, Green claimed that God allowed her to kill her two unborn children.

“As a Christian, I think if we claim to follow a god of love it would be nice if we did love people and let them know they are safe and welcome to talk about issues that are so often hidden,” Green said.

The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is always gravely evil and a “most serious and dangerous crime” and that the right to life is “the first of the fundamental rights” and the “source of all other rights.”

In a BBC article around the same time, she expressed horror at the prospect of her daughter not being allowed to abort her children.

“It is terrifying to me that my five-year-old daughter could have that choice taken away from her when she is older. I also want my 10-year-old son to understand about the implications.” Green said.

In the same article, Green suggested that pro-life Christians are “hate filled.”

“We need to work out how we talk about abortion, because we’re not going to win people over to the living, loving God by being so hate filled,” she said.

LifeSiteNews reached out to Fr. Skelton asking why he would invite an Anglican vicar who notably breaks from Catholic teaching to speak at a faith formation event, but he had not responded as of publication time. 


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