Plastic bags marked the beginning of our subjugation to global warming – The Expose
Plastic bags marked the beginning of our subjugation to global warming
In his latest passing observations, Dr. Vernon Coleman gives us his thoughts on various events and people in his usual direct and witty style. From explaining that autism is brain injury caused by vaccines to the abolition of plastic bags marking the beginning of the end of civilisation, his passing observations are, once again, informative, thought-provoking and entertaining.
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1. You’d have to be very stupid, ill-informed and bigoted not to at least suspect that the global epidemic of autism is related to the untrammelled enthusiasm for repeated mass vaccination of children. I’ve been studying vaccines and vaccine damage longer than most people and it is patently clear that most (if not all) patients alleged to have autism are suffering from brain damage caused by vaccination. Autism, in other words, is a synonym for brain damage and vaccines are the cause of the brain damage. The fact that no one in the medical establishment will even discuss this is proof that it is true. No one will discuss this even as a hypothesis because once accepted as fact the damages will run into trillions of dollars.
2. The abolition of the plastic bag marked the beginning of the end of civilisation. The death of the plastic bag was the moment when the toxic pseudoscience of global warming was allowed to interfere with our lives in a harmful and inconvenient way. The tethering of tops to plastic bottles (for no sensible reason whatsoever) was further evidence of our subjugation.
3. “The General Medical Council (in my view one of two big enemies of patients in the UK – the other is the British Medical Association) has invested nearly £1,000,000 in fast food and drink firms and, worse still, has invested large amounts of money from doctors’ fees in drug companies. And one of the companies in which it had shares was one of the companies making a covid-19 vaccine. How can the GMC judge doctors’ behaviour in relation to covid and covid jabs when it has a vested interest in the financial success of vaccine manufacturers such as Astra Zeneca? It seems to me that it cannot.”—Taken from `The End of Medicine’ by Vernon Coleman. (To purchase a copy of `The End of Medicine’ please CLICK HERE)
4. It is amusing to see politicians pretending to be surprised that nearly half of Gen Z’ers have either given up work completely or are contemplating giving up work for ever. Millions seem just consumed by a toxic sense of fear, entitlement and ennui, though they officially describe themselves as mentally ill. This was, of course, an entirely predictable consequence of the fake pandemic – particularly the lockdowns, the destroyed schooling and the social distancing. Encouraging people to work from home is a step towards unemployment. The end result will, of course, be the universal basic income and lives spent in cardboard flats in 15-minute cities. Future generations will spend their years drooling while playing games and watching other people play games on computer screens. And the queues for Leadbeater’s “death by doctor” scheme will be endless. Euthanasia is an essential part of the depopulation plan. Once you can see what is happening, and the purpose behind it, the aims aren’t difficult to follow.
5. I had to renew my driving licence recently. As recommended, I paid a princely sum and sent it by special delivery. The licence came back second class, exposing me to the awesome rigors of identity theft. Driving licences contain address, name and pretty well all the information required to steal someone’s life. Today’s question: Is DVLA stupid or wicked?
6. Enemies and paranoia are close friends.
7. I note that a number of leaders around the world are now being described as “dictators” in the corporate media. Can anyone explain why Trump and Starmer shouldn’t be described as dictators?
8. I see people are now claiming that brain fog is a result of covid. Actually, the scientific evidence shows that brain fog is a serious side effect of the covid-19 vaccination, not the infection. And for the record aplastic anaemia is another disease that can be caused by the covid vaccine.
9. “The common people can be made to follow a path but not to understand it.”—Confucius
10. Only the poorly educated, unimaginative and corrupt support the idea of euthanasia.
11. How many current BBC staff have links to MI5 and/or MI6? Just asking. Maybe the BBC will enlighten us.
12. Anyone entering medical school or nursing school is wasting their time. There will be no human doctors or nurses by the year 2030.
13. Apologies for the fact that accessing my website is becoming increasingly difficult. We spend a fortune trying to protect it but the BAD authorities have more money than we have. Please keep trying if it is difficult to reach the site or to read or copy material.
14. “We’ll know our disinformation programme is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”—William Casey, former CIA Director. (That day is getting close.)
15. Whatever happened to respect? I hate it when people and companies assume that they can use my first name. And I hate it even more when they refer to themselves by their title. Doctors do this. “Hello, Bert,” they say, “I’m Doctor Crippen.”
16. Why so much excitement about Canada exchanging Trudeau for Carney? They’re both WEF boys.
17. My piano teacher is doing wonders. A few weeks ago, I couldn’t read music let alone play a tune. Now I can sight read music and play simple tunes using both hands. Brilliant. I’m in love with my teacher. Just as well I’m married to her. Surprisingly, and to my delight, GCHQ hasn’t yet interfered with my piano playing. And, joy of joys, no one has given me a one star review. Nor, indeed, did anyone feel inspired to send a rude comment to tell me that notes don’t exist. Oh, what bliss.
18. Look after small wounds. Sepsis is just an apparently insignificant infection away and there is no longer an effective health service.
19. We are marching into oblivion. Most people don’t have the faintest idea what is happening.
20. The film `Mrs. Caldicot’s Cabbage War’ is always given a sneery review by the corporate media. I suspect this is because the heroine, Mrs. Caldicot, is feisty and independent although old. The film has had fantastic reviews but only the really nasty one or two are quoted. The corporate media have been instructed to treat all the elderly with disrespect in the hope that they’ll curl up and accept a place in Leadbeater’s death camp. All four novels about Mrs. Caldicot are now available separately or in an omnibus edition. (Details in the bookshop on my website.)
21. Bernie Ecclestone, the GOM of Formula 1 motor racing, told an engineer to fit some special spotlights in his aeroplane. The engineer said it wasn’t going to be possible. Mr. Ecclestone asked to borrow the engineer’s dictionary and then crossed out the word “impossible.” If Britain had 1,000 Ecclestones we would rule the world.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

While previously it was a hobby culminating in writing articles for Wikipedia (until things made a drastic and undeniable turn in 2020) and a few books for private consumption, since March 2020 I have become a full-time researcher and writer in reaction to the global takeover that came into full view with the introduction of covid-19. For most of my life, I have tried to raise awareness that a small group of people planned to take over the world for their own benefit. There was no way I was going to sit back quietly and simply let them do it once they made their final move.