(0:00 - 1:38)
The globalists who want to control us all have been working for decades to put the pieces of their authoritarian power structure in place. But unlike past totalitarian dictators, they're not going to rely on force, or even the threat of force, because they don't have to. The reason they continue to push the global warming lie is for control.
By convincing people that driving or using energy or having children is bad for the environment, and that we don't take drastic measures right now the earth will become uninhabitable, they obtain the willing compliance of a large percentage of the population. Why take away people's rights and freedoms when you can convince them to willingly give them up? But what about the rest of us? Those of us who know the real science, that man-made global warming via CO2 emissions is impossible. How do they control us? The answer, largely, is smart cities, which are now doctrine in almost every city in Canada.
And it's far more than just bike lanes and draconian rezoning laws. Renee Hunt is with Action 4 Canada, one of our largest freedom organizations, and she's done a deep dive into the smart cities agenda. She joins me today to reveal how they plan to control us all, simply by taking away our ability to resist.
Renee, welcome to the show. Thank you, so happy to be here. Thank you for having me on.
(1:39 - 2:32)
And a viewer put me in touch with you, and I'm very glad they did, because you have done this magnificent series of videos on the green agenda, specifically here in Calgary, but it's happening everywhere, not just in Canada, around the world. And let's start with the fact that a few years ago, Mayor Gondek here, who is very much a globalist, declared a state of emergency for the city of Calgary. Oh, sorry, a climate emergency.
Yes. And what a lot of people don't know is that the cities that haven't done that are the exception, not the rule. It's happening everywhere, and it's all part, of course, of the globalist control agenda.
So there's your lead off, Renee. I'm going to let you run with that. Okay, absolutely.
Thank you so much. Yes, you are correct. And Mayor Gondek, actually, that was not something that she ran on when she was running for Mayor.
(2:33 - 3:05)
And so when she did declare, which was very, very soon after she was elected, it was a shock to the city, and honestly, to the province. And a real, you know, a real slap in the face, really, to the people of Calgary and people who work in these industries. As we know, Calgary and Alberta is a major source of our fossil fuels and a major source of income for the country.
(3:05 - 5:56)
So for the mayor to declare something like that, yes, it was a real slap in the face for people who've worked in that industry for years and years. So yes, it was a big surprise. And yes, when you start to dig into it a little bit, you definitely see and can make the connections between what's happening in the city of Calgary and the global agenda, honestly.
Yes. Okay, so let's talk about now about how they're implementing this as a control agenda. Yes.
And you can assume that my viewers know that the entire climate alarmist narrative is completely false. But what better way to control people? What better to get them to give up their rights and to convince them that if they don't give up their rights and freedoms, that the whole planet's going to die? Yes. And so they're convincing people to voluntarily give up their freedoms with this whole narrative.
So how are they implementing this? Absolutely. Well, it was really important with the group that I work with, that we come with the receipts. That was very important.
We already know, and I'm sure your viewers can agree, that quite often we may be labeled as, you know, the tin hat conspiracy folk. And so it was really important to myself, volunteering with this organization that I do, that I help the individuals who this is of concern, is that we come with the receipts, and that we don't make anything up. We use exactly what the city of Calgary has put out there, and really, you know, just follow the breadcrumbs.
And so that's what I did. And I realized that most people, they feel like something is not quite right. Just in your gut, you know, something is wrong with this.
I don't agree necessarily with this climate agenda. But we know that the bad side to the green side is they're very loud, they're very vocal, and they can shut you down very easily. And so we wanted to empower the people, and give them the information.
And the city does a very, very good job of creating all of these documents. There are so many, and I'm sure your viewers can also attest to, you can go down those rabbit holes, and you can spend hours at it, because you click one link, and it takes you down that hole, and then you click another link, and it takes you down. So it's daunting.
And my opinion there is that it's done on purpose. Because this document, the 2050 climate document that the city of Calgary has is almost 100 pages. So who has time, right to do that research that's necessary.
(5:57 - 7:28)
And so I do personally feel that it works in the city's favor to have such documents made and have them so daunting that nobody really feels they have the time to take to go and look in depth into it. And at first glance, it doesn't seem too nefarious, honestly, unless you know, and are a little bit familiar with some of the goals of the United Nations and their SDG goals, the sustainable development goals for people who aren't familiar with that. And once you go into to that site and spend a little time looking around, once you see it, then you can't unsee it when you go into the 2050 climate document.
And there's many aha moments right within that document. Yes. And I'm glad you brought up those sustainable development goals.
I have many times referred to them as a communist manifesto. When they say sustainable development, what they mean is everyone being universally poor and unable to move around and no rights. So let's apply that now, because now that you've put this in this framework, that this agenda 2050 pathways thing for the city of Calgary and other cities have very similar documents.
It's all based upon the United Nations sustainable development goals, which as we've just agreed is nothing but a communist manifesto to take away our rights. So, and you made a really good comment. You said when you first look at this document, well, it doesn't seem too nefarious until you really dig into it.
(7:29 - 12:20)
So you've dug into it. So show us what you found that reveals what it's really about. Okay, for sure.
I will. So what I have done is I just gave a little bit of history to the residents of Calgary. And maybe I'll just pull up what I had presented and then we'll probably sneak past a few of the slides.
Are you able to see my screen? Yes, absolutely. I see your screen, Renee. So and before you start here, I want to make it very clear to the viewers.
If you go looking, you will probably find a very similar document in your city. So don't think that just because this is for Calgary, it doesn't apply to you. Yes, yes, absolutely.
Absolutely. So I won't take you back too far. And I, you can go on the Action for Canada rumble site and find these videos, there's approximately four hours of video.
And I kind of take the viewer, you know, through through the websites and you know, show them where to click and how to find such things. But maybe it's, it's worth pointing out here, that it was really, you know, if we go back and look at something, a little bit of the Calgary background, right, we can see that that it was Mayor Nenshi, who was in place at the time, and I won't necessarily click on this, but it was under Mayor Nenshi that the city of Calgary did apply to become a smart city. And they applied to the smart city challenge during that time.
And we know that these two are quite close. And Nenshi now, you know, he's, for those who are watching from afar, and aren't familiar with Alberta politics, he's the current leader of the Alberta NDP, but he was Mayor of Calgary. And I think it's really important to point out as well that during his time, there, when you look back at some of the documents that were created, and the things that we know now, you can really see a socialist slant to what Mayor Nenshi was trying to do at the time.
And so I've just circled and I talked to people about the different things that have popped up. But a couple of the things that really, really popped out was the exploring guaranteed universal basic income options was in a city document, which is kind of crazy to me that, you know, it's the city of Calgary that's looking at such things. And the other thing was in their appendix for this resilient Calgary document was the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
So it's right there. It's not, you know, myself making it up. You can go back and find such things.
And it's in their appendix. So if you click on that, you can go and look. And the picture at the very bottom there, the icons that comes right from, from the UN's SDG goals website.
And so at the top, when they're, they're talking about these different, like inclusive futures, these are different documents that the cities has created. And then they show how the UN's goals align within their documents. So again, it was just it was just right there and very, very obvious.
So with that, just so everybody is is familiar. The city of Calgary, you know, they did apply to become the smart city. But they were not accepted and they did not win.
And I do talk about that in the video. And I give you a little bit more background in that we and as a result, it does say right on the website, and you can go and look it up. And some of these pages on their website are old.
But they did not win. But they did say they're going to continue on with the smart city technologies. And that has not ended.
The city definitely uses smart technologies. And I also talked about that in the video and where to go and find it. So Mayor Gondek, when she came into power, and she was under Nenshi, she was a councillor in the city under Nenshi.
So it wasn't long sworn in in October at towards the end of October and beginning of November right away, she declared the emergency, which was a shock to to everyone. And the thing about Mayor Gondek is that she's very much a globalist. Just very recently last summer, she was elected vice president of the World Energy Cities Partnership.
(12:23 - 13:13)
And it says right there on the website, you know, that they want to reduce greenhouse gases. And so we're going to have to go to a safer type of energy source. So it's right there in the wide open for everybody to see.
And what I really, really like to point out to people within the 2050 document itself, and please stop me if I if you have a question, or if I'm going too fast here, is at the end of the 2050 climate documents, they've actually included the actual declaration. So the piece of paper that would have been produced at the, you know, the actual meeting and who the sponsoring councillors were. So all I've done here is I took a screenshot of that.
(13:14 - 17:00)
So and I highlighted a few things that people might want to be aware of. And basically saying, you know, Calgary is one of the last remaining cities that has not declared the emergency. And I just made big or larger some of the words that I thought were important and then put them in red here, that international initiatives are important to the city as such as the Global Covenant of Mayors, the Resilient Cities Network, Race to Zero are included there.
So in the larger videos, I do go and do a little clicking around there and show people what it's all about. On the next, it is almost, it is a two page document there. But what is interesting is that they've also included references within the document itself that the emergency declaration is based on.
And so one of the items that stood out to me when I looked through the references and the references were clickable was the climateemergencydeclaration.org. So you can actually go there and you can just follow, click around and see what it's all about. And I won't take you through it. But here's a screenshot of just their main page.
And on it, and this was just a couple of weeks ago when I presented, I went and checked again, and the number had increased now to over 2000 jurisdictions that have declared this. But what's interesting, if you click around a little bit more is that this is based in Australia. So really, you know, what is happening in Australia? And what are they trying to achieve that has anything to do with us? Really, right? So that's something for people to take a look at.
And again, if you click around, and it's really, I find very difficult to just pull a few items, because there's just so much there. But one of the things I pulled was a campaign to ban all new fossil fuel projects at the local level. And other words there that you hear wartime measures are needed, because this is such an emergency that's happening within the world there.
So that was one of the big ones. And again, I tell everybody, we're not pulling this out of a hat, the city of Calgary has it right there on the website, and you can just follow the breadcrumbs. And one of the other areas they talk about is the Resilient Cities Network.
And again, you can go and click it shows you all the different cities that have signed on to this in the world. And but what was interesting to me as I looked around on the website is that it was originally launched by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2013. And I know that your viewers will be very familiar with the nefarious Rockefellers and their foundation.
So that was very interesting as well. And again, these are just screenshots of the websites and within the videos themselves, I go through and I click on a few different areas for people to find information. Launch to Zero is mentioned as well.
And there, if you click and find out a little bit about that, it's the United Nations initiative. And it was launched in very interesting that a lot of this came to prominence. And some of the things that you really see happening were in 2015 and beyond.
(17:00 - 24:17)
And interesting in our country of Canada is that is also when Trudeau came into power. And Trudeau also is a young global leader along with Nancy. So it's very interesting that all of this sort of really started to happen in Canada after that date.
So yeah, very interesting indeed. And so on this on this website, I did actually go and screen capture quite a few different pages to show to show folks. But one of the areas that I did that was important just for people to be aware, anytime that there's talk about a 1.5 degrees Celsius or, you know, needing to stay below that or not go above it, that's all United Nations.
So anytime you see that, you can know and rest assured that that is what you're dealing with there. And so when I took a screenshot of this, and you can see that there's also a link that's mentioned, and you can go and check that out. And so I did go and check that out, which I'll bring up right away.
But race to zero. So what was interesting here too, is that ICLEI is mentioned. And I'll talk about that coming up very soon.
But that ICLEI essentially, in a nutshell, is for groups to bring in the United Nations initiatives at the local level. And that's been going on for since the 90s, when ICLEI came into power, or pardon me, came into being. So interesting that ICLEI is a sponsor for the race to zero, as well as others, particularly the C40 cities, which we'll talk about very briefly.
So as I mentioned, you can go into this website, and check out, I'm just going to bring this back up so you can see it here. So this Climate Action Portal, so you can go and check things out there. And so if you go there, and I recommend everybody does, go and check it out.
I grabbed a screenshot here. You can filter, so you can actually filter between different countries of the world, the regions, I brought down to Canada. And it will tell you how many actors here, I have 558 actors within Canada, that are working in this organization, and the Climate Action Portal here.
And you can even break it down into businesses that have signed up. And so I can actually see businesses within the province of Alberta and see who is a part of this. So very interesting, indeed.
And so I grabbed this screenshot, because when you see the words adaptation, mitigation, they have these plans that must be submitted. And so within the 2050 document, mitigation, adaptation, it are our headliners really in there. So it was another way for me to show people their receipts, I guess you could say.
And we did spend a little bit of time in the videos going a little bit more in depth into those websites. So when it comes to C40 cities, that is also mentioned as a sponsor of some of these different initiatives, people will say and talk about perhaps Calgary is a C40 city, you can go to the website, check it out. Calgary is not listed as a C40 city.
But what's interesting is that C40 cities are sponsors of many of the initiatives. And for those of you who are not familiar with C40 cities, we have an excellent video on the website, very in depth. It's very nefarious, very dystopian.
And you can actually go into the different chapters and we show you in the video. But the ambitious goals they have, they have goals, and then they have ambitious goals. So these are some of the ambitious goals that the C40 would like to achieve.
And there are mayors around the world. And I don't have the receipts on all of the mayors that go to the C40 conferences. And you can see here, some of the areas that are most nefarious.
So when we talk about control, that really, the green agenda is all about, yes, we very much believe that it's about control and controlling the people. Right. And so now that you've given us that excellent high level overview, and if there's more you need to give us yet, that's fine.
But what I'd like to transition into now is talking about how this is going to affect the people. Yes. And so if there's more here that you need to give us to frame that, please go ahead.
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The email links to interviews always link to the free version, not the paid version. There should be an option in the emails to select the paid version. Or at least in the free video page there should be a link to the paid version. I don’t like having to manually search for the paid version of the interview.